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safesplash blog

Friday, December 15, 2017 by Dalen Kilgore

We’re Enrolled! Time for our First Swim Lesson: Now What…?

Dear Moms/Dads:

Congratulations to you and your little swimmer! We at SafeSplash are SO excited to meet you. If you’ve never done this before you may be a little bit hesitant in regards to what you should expect on that first day at swim lessons and beyond. We understand this! In addition to your many duties as a parent you have chosen us and taken this extra step and now….what should you do to prepare? Well luckily, we’ve experienced many a first timer here at SafeSplash and we’re here to help. 😊

What follows is a handy guide for what to expect before, during, and after your first class with us! But as always, if you have any additional questions after looking through this page we have a lovely staff at our Customer Service Center that is ALWAYS more than happy to help you out in any way possible. Just give us a call anytime at 866-KID-SWIM, and ask away!

“How early should I arrive at our lesson?”

This depends entirely on whether you plan to arrive ready to jump into the pool (highly recommended) or if you need to change upon arrival (more on this later). If you arrive already in your suit and ready to go, about 15 minutes prior to starting is probably fine. If you are coming straight from school or anywhere that makes it necessary to change at lessons then you should probably aim for a minimum of 20 minutes time to get changed and settled before lessons begin.



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“What are they supposed to wear?”

This one varies based on age. If you are coming to us for a Parent-N-Me class then your baby should wear a disposable swim diaper, covered with a reusable one, and then their super cute and tiny swimsuit on top of those. (In this case, you’ll also be expected to be in the water with us! Just wear whatever you would normally wear in a pool.) If your kiddo is a little older and potty trained then they can just wear their swimsuit, have goggles with them, and a swim cap on with hair pulled back. If they would like to wear a swim shirt (also referred to as a rash-guard) that is totally cool with us! A lot of our instructors choose to wear those too!

“They’re hungry. Can they eat before lessons?”

Well, we really don’t recommend eating within 30 minutes of a lesson. Excitement + Activity + Recent Meal = Occasional Mess. A good alternative to eating before lessons is to pack some portable and nutrient dense snacks for immediately after your lesson. This also works as a good incentive to get dressed and back in the car. So…win/win really!



“What do I do once we get there?”

Say hello! If there is someone at the front desk they will gladly direct you to the pool or the changing area. If your lessons take place inside of a gym, first make sure to sign in at their front desk. After you’ve checked in you will be directed to the pool where a SafeSplash representative will meet you and your swimmer – don’t forget to tell them it’s your first day! They will be so excited to meet you, help you out, and get you settled. If you are at one of our dedicated SafeSplash buildings then the front desk team member will point you in the direction of the changing area and the waiting area. And then: Just wait. We’ll take care of it from here on out by calling lesson times as they are ready to begin and leading your kiddo into the pool.


Have a SafeSplash Birthday Party!

“Can we change and shower there?”

If you are joining us at a dedicated SafeSplash facility then the answer is yes! If not, and you’re inside of a gym, we do ask that you use one of the provided changing tents on deck to get ready for lessons (if necessary, arriving ready to go = smoother lesson transitions and happier kiddos), and wait to shower until you get home as a courtesy to gym members. You are always more than welcome to use the restroom at any location though.


“Okay. Now, what should I do for the next 30 minutes?”

You should watch!

Since this is your kiddo’s first time with us they may be a little apprehensive at first. This is totally normal and they are okay. Try not to do anything but give some silent affirmations to your swimmer that this is fun and they are doing amazing! (Admittedly, once you get a few lessons under your belt you may find yourself checking emails, playing games on social media, reading a book….also totally cool with us, as long as you remain physically present. Your kiddos are safe with us!)


“We made it through our lesson!”

Great news!! We hope your kiddo had the best time with us and we look forward to swimming with you next week as well! If this was a trial class for you make sure to call us and get booked into a permanent spot on our roster. If you enjoyed your time with us then give us a like on Facebook and review us on whatever media outlet you used to find us. 😊 We are so excited to welcome you into the SafeSplash family!!


“What if we can’t make a scheduled lesson?”

Let us know as soon as possible and we will do our best to accommodate you (based on season and availability, of course). You can give us a call at 866-KID-SWIM or talk to a location manager directly to get their specific policy on make-ups.


“Do you guys ever close?”

Yes. While we would love to teach all day, every day, unfortunately, we do occasionally close due to a holiday or pool maintenance. In this case, you should expect to hear directly from an instructor or manager via phone or e-mail that your location is closed and the plan of action as to how we’ll make up for it! We often post these closures to Facebook as well, so be sure you follow your location's page to receive these updates.


“Can I change my class time/level/day/instructor?”

Yep. Call us for availability, we’d love to help you out!


“I want all my kids, and their friends in lessons too!”

Yay! Referrals are our favorite and we do offer multi-kid discounts at many locations. Tell your friends to register, and we’ll give them a call shortly to help with enrollment and finding the right class. You can call us directly and we’ll do everything we can to help get your whole family into classes (including you if you’d like, adult swim lessons are also offered at many SafeSplash locations)!



Whew. You made it through Day 1! You can rest assured that your kiddo is well on their way to becoming the safe, and proficient swimmer that you’ve always imagined them being. Now you can load up the car, head home, maybe have a snack and then get ready for next week’s lesson! We look forward to seeing you in the pool next week and watching your little one gain this life skill with us by their side.


The SafeSplash Family

We want to show you why SafeSplash Swim School is the fastest growing Swim School in America!

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