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safesplash blog

Wednesday, July 05, 2017 by Monica Scrivner

Water Safety: What to Know About Dry Drowning

Dry drowning and secondary drowning have recently been in the news with the death of a Texas toddler suffering from this condition.  It is frightening for parents to read stories like this because they want to keep their children safe. We want to empower, educate, and bring awareness to this issue so you and your family can stay safe this summer. Here are some tips and reading material so you are prepared and aware! 


Statistically dry drowning and secondary drowning are very rare. Only 1% - 2% of drownings each year are attributed to it.  However, it is important for parents to know the symptoms of dry drowning so they can act quickly if an incident occurs. 

Parents Magazine has an excellent article which explains dry drowning / secondary drowning -- how to spot it, what to do, treatments, and how to prevent it from happening. 

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Swim Lessons

For prevention measures, the article lists swim lessons as the #1 way to keep children safe in the water.  At SafeSplash that is why we teach breath control from bubbles to side breathing so swimmers can learn to differentiate the breathing skills necessary to properly swim without taking in water. 

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Knowledge about water safety is the best way parents can keep their children safe in the pool this summer. Or to simply put it…Summer Safe = Summer Fun!!

Are you and your little ones swimming proficient? Interested in learning more about SafeSplash Lessons?
Take our Class-Level Wizard and find out your skill level!

Find the Right Level for Your Child!

"Colorado Dad Recognizes 'Dry Drowning' Symptoms in Son after Reading Texas Boy's Story." Fox News. FOX News Network, 12 June 2017. Web. 27 June 2017.  http://www.foxnews.com/health/2017/06/12/colorado-dad-recognizes-dry-drowning-symptoms-in-son-after-reading-texas-boys-story.html 

Mauer, Elena Donovan. "Dry Drowning: Know the Signs."Parents. Parents, 13 June 2016. Web. 27 June 2017. http://www.parents.com/kids/safety/outdoor/dry-drowning/