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safesplash blog

Friday, December 30, 2016 by Brooke Jones

New Year's Resolutions: Time to Try Something New

New_Years_Resolutions.jpgIt’s that time of year again, time to break out the dumb bells, remove the clothes from the treadmill and dust off those ol’ running shoes. It’s a new year, and that means a(nother) new you right? If you are like me, every year I make the usual resolution to eat better and get back into shape, and every year like clockwork, I start off on a high note, and ride the rollercoaster all the way into the next year. Some months are better than others, I’m more inspired during the warmer months and find tons of excuses along the way, but I never seem to truly satisfy my resolution. Is that maybe because I’m not truly vested in it? Is this just the yearly band wagon I jump on because it’s what I’ve always done and it’s what everyone else is doing? Every January we are hit with state of the art workouts, healthy recipes, discounted gym memberships and ‘New Year, New You’ slogans. Maybe that’s just not for me and its time I recognize that and start coming up with something other than a weight loss resolution. Not to say eating healthy and working out isn’t important, but maybe this year is the time to try something new.

  • Be Present – Be it at work, at home, swim lessons or Ladies Night, wherever you are BE THERE. Focus your attention on whatever it is that you are doing at that time and enjoy it.
  • Put the Electronics Down – Yes, technology is great, there are so many things possible because of it but the ability of having everything at your fingertips at any time can also sometimes be distracting. Don’t miss out on precious moments because of too much screen time, sure you want to capture your moments in pictures, but don’t forget to make mental memories as well.
  • Make Time for Yourself – The Holidays are often consumed with busy schedules, family trips and saying yes to far too many things. Now is the time to start setting aside some YOU time. It’s ok to say no when you need to.
  • Take More Vacations – Vacations don’t always need to be elaborate, fancy and expensive. Be creative, take a short weekend trip away or explore your own city with a ‘staycation.’
  • Save for Something Important – A new designer purse, killer shoes, maybe even a FitBit, whatever it is save for something important that you will feel rewarded for!
  • Make Family Time a Priority - Spend time doing fun things together, talk to one another, play with your kids, visit with relatives and never take it for granted. One day these times will only be memories, make sure to make them count!

January always marks the start of new beginnings and a blank slate but that doesn’t mean it’s the only time for resolutions. Every day gives opportunities to make changes and focus on different goals, getting healthy, going to the gym and losing weight is a great goal to have, but it’s not the only one. 

What are some of your resolutions and what are you doing to make a change every day? Share your goals in our comment section below! 

Here's to a Happy and Healthy New Year!

Start your new year off on the right foot! Register for swim lessons today! 

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