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safesplash blog

Friday, May 20, 2016 by Nida Imam

Am I Really Done Having Kids?

Am I really, done having kids

The most common question I get asked these days is "aren't you going to try for a girl? It would really complete your family.

I wonder what makes a family incomplete?! 

As much as I would LOVE to have a girl, I always wonder, and often ask myself several daunting questions. Number one, am I done having kids? Really done? If not, after trying for a third baby, in hopes of having a beautiful daughter, what if i have another boy? Would it really be that bad? Because boy don't I just love my naughty boys! They are funny, smart, and adorable. It's so easy to love them! 

The truth is I don't think there is a right answer. There are so many things one has to consider not only as an individual momma but as a family. For example, on a recent trip to universal studios, my husband happen to mention how all rides were best fit for groups of four! Now isn't that a great reason to not have a third baby?! 

On a more serious note, we love being and having independent, potty trained, school-going , self entertaining kids!

However you know how they say, "to each their own!"