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safesplash blog

Wednesday, October 30, 2024 by Steven Auger

Benefits of Swimming Lessons for Babies and Toddlers

Everyone should know how to swim. That starts with taking swimming lessons. Luckily, it’s never too late, or too early, to learn, since swimming is an activity for folks of all ages. Babies, especially, can benefit from taking swimming lessons - let's explore how. 

Improves Sleep Patterns

Babies need their sleep - and so do mom and dad! Quite often, the latter depends on the former. Swimming lessons are one way to help babies sleep better.

Swimming, no matter your age, requires a lot of energy. Babies have never moved their bodies in the manner required to swim and stay afloat. So, they are sure to be tuckered out after their lessons. They’ll either be ready for a nap or set for a good night’s rest, depending on the time of day they have their lessons.

Improves Appetite

Some babies eat well, while some babies don’t. But babies are sure to be hungry after some physical activity. Think about how hungry you are after a beach day or some pool time. Your little one is no different. Expending all that energy is sure to help them work up an appetite.

Builds Muscle

Movement helps babies develop and grow their muscles. They need to learn to hold their heads up, control their arms and legs, and use their core. Swimming is great exercise to develop all those muscles. Swimming also improves their cardiovascular function, just like it does for you.

Reduces Risk of Drowning for Toddlers

Drowning is a risk for anyone who steps into the water, whether they know how to swim or not. Little ones are especially vulnerable to drowning. Knowing how to swim reduces that risk.

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends starting swimming lessons at the age of one. Learning how to swim reduces the drowning risk for children between the ages of 1-4. Parents should partake in the classes as well, to learn water safety techniques with their toddlers.

Bonding Time

Bonding time between a baby and parents is invaluable. Swim lessons are just one of many ways to get that valuable time together. Your little one is dependent on you to help them through that lesson, and the one-on-one aspect of helping your baby through their lessons allows the two of you to solely focus on each other.  The connection the two of you make through swimming lessons is just one more way to bond.

Swimming provides so many benefits to so many people. It’s great exercise, it’s something you can do with a group of friends or alone, and it can even save your life. So why not sign your little one up for swimming lessons? Reach out to your local SafeSplash Swim School to schedule those lessons today!